Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

(cross posted from I have a theory and the theory goes something like this: every culture in the world invents its own sandwich. Some of those inventions travel to other places where they undergo mutation and changes based upon the local culture and availability of ingredients. The sandwiches of the mediterranean are some of […]

Here it is: our 10 favorite places to eat in Moncton. I offer the list without explanation or justification. These are just our favorite places to eat (so far!). Little Louis’ Oyster Bar l’Idylle Pink! Sushi (blogged) Blue Olive (lunch) (blogged) The Barnyard The Pump House The Old Triangle (blogged) Taj Mahal Bogart’s Hofer’s German […]

Pink! Sushi


I’ve been meaning to write this post for about a month now but kept putting it off waiting for a better picture. The intervening time to post has not been squandered however, as we’ve been back to Pink! probably 4 more times since our first visit. This intense research has allowed us to cover a […]

The Blue Olive


It’s Halloween and I’m standing in the checkout aisle of the Superstore. Before embarking on this last-minute candy dash, Deb and I decided to fuel up at the Blue Olive with some delicious lebanese sandwiches. There was a time, not long ago when Moncton was limited to just the Donair for middle eastern sandwich wraps. […]

Let’s start with the basics. Where do you go in Moncton to get a decent burger? Pub food, for many is considered “comfort food” and in the long dark winters of New Brunswick, who wouldn’t like a little comfort? I am here to tell you that it’s entirely possible to get a decent burger and […]